Importance of lighting in hydroponic crop growth

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Imagine verdant lettuce basking in a mist of nutrients, tomatoes ripening under artificial suns, and fragrant herbs thriving in a rootless embrace. This isn’t just a futuristic food utopia; it’s the tangible reality of hydroponics, where lush growth flourishes beyond the limitations of soil. But nurturing this verdant paradise hinges on a crucial element: lighting. […]

The Role of Multi-Spectral Lighting in Plant Growth

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Beyond White Noise: Multi-Spectral Lighting Orchestrates Plant Growth in Controlled Environments For millennia, the sun has reigned as the undisputed conductor of the photosynthetic symphony. Its luminous baton, a broad spectrum of light, has guided plants through their lifecycle, orchestrating the delicate dance of chlorophyll and growth. But within the carefully choreographed world of Controlled […]